About the Four-Year Degree


The proposed Four-year undergraduate programme curriculum is a structural and methodological departure from the existing curriculum. The existing three-year programme shallremain within the four-year programme with options of lateral entry and single exit. Outcome

Based Education (OBE) practices are to be used to design the curriculum. The practice of lateral entry of students to various years exists, but an exit with a Degree shall be awarded only upon successful completion of the third year.

 CUFYUGP shall have three Broad Pathways, (a) 3-year UG Degree, (b) 4-year UG Degree (Honours), and (c) 4-year UG Degree (Honours with Research).

 Students who choose to exit after 3 years shall be awarded UG Degree in their respective Major Discipline after the successful completion of the required minimum of courses of total 133 credits.

 A four-year UG Degree (Honours) in the Major Discipline shall be awarded to those who complete the CUFYUGP with a specific number of courses of total 177 credits, including 8 credits from an optional graduate project /dissertation in their Major/ allied discipline.

 Honours students who have not undertaken their graduate project shall do two additionalcourses in the Major discipline, each comprising four credits.

The proposed FYUGP curriculum shall comprise Three Broad Parts: a) Foundation Components, b) Discipline Specific Pathway components (Major/ Minor), and c) Discipline Specific Capstone Components. The Foundation component of the FYUGP shall consist of a Set of General Foundation Courses and a Set of Discipline Specific Foundation Courses. 

General Foundation Courses shall be common for all students and shall be grouped into 4 major baskets as Ability Enhancement courses (AEC), Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC), Value Added Courses (VAC), and Multi-Disciplinary Courses (MDC).

 Discipline Specific Foundation Courses are the Major and Minor courses in the first two semesters. They shall focus on foundational theories, concepts, perspectives, principles, methods, skills, and critical thinking essential for taking up advanced Courses.

 Ability Enhancement Courses shall be designed specifically to achieve competency in English and Additional Languages as per the student’schoice with special emphasis on language and communication skills. Students shall be permitted to switch their Major at the end of the second semester by giving them sufficient time to explore different courses during the first year. 4.26 The student has the option to register for and attend a course without taking part in the continuous assessment and end-semester examination of that course. Such a course is called the Audit Course. If the student has 75% attendance in an Audit Course, he/she is eligible for a pass in that course, without any credit (zero-credit). The Audit Course will be recorded in the final grade card of the student. This option can be used by the student to gain interdisciplinary knowledge

Social Activities shall include participation in National Service Scheme (NSS), sports and games, arts, participation in university/college union related activities (for respective elected /nominated members), National Cadet Corps (NCC), adult education/literacy initiatives, mentoring school students, and engaging in similar social

service organizations that deemed appropriate to the University.  Options shall be made available for students to earn credit by completing qualityassured remote learning modes, including online programmes offered on the Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds (SWAYAM) or other online educational

platforms approved by the Board of Study from time to time. Students shall be entitled to earn maximum 16 credits through such online courses in their eighth semester to complete the minimum credits required for the award of the fouryear Honours Degree.  The University shall advise the students to opt for such Online/ MOOC/ Signature

Courses that have a comprehensive graded evaluation with proper grades and grade points A student should get an option for acquiring a maximum of 180 credits for a 3-year (6 semester) UG programme. The additional 47 credits over the minimum of 133 can be

acquired through online courses. The eligibility for admissions and reservation of seats for various FYUG Degree Programmes shall be in accordance with the norms /rules made by the Government/

University from time to time.  No student shall be eligible for admission to CUFYUG Degree Programmes in any of the disciplines unless he/she has successfully completed the examination conducted by a Board/University at the +2 level of schooling or its equivalent

Inter-collegiate transfer shall be permitted only in the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 7th semesters. Inter-university transfer shall be permitted only in the 3rd, 5th and 7th semesters.

 College transfer shall be permitted only once in the entire programme. College transfer with switching in Major and Minor courses, and the academicpathway, is permitted only in the 3rd semester.

Last modified: Tuesday, 28 May 2024, 10:58 AM